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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ACAF 501 Disaster Medicine Principles Seçmeli
ACAF 502 Research Techniques and Ethics Seçmeli
ACAF 503 Triage Management Seçmeli
ACAF 504 Disaster Management Principles Seçmeli
ACAF 505 First Aid and Basic Life Support Seçmeli
ACAF 506 Seminar Seçmeli
ACAF 507 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Industrial Hazards Seçmeli
ACAF 508 Crime Scene Management Seçmeli
ACAF 509 Hospital Disaster Planning Seçmeli
ACAF 510 Psychosocial Services in Disasters Seçmeli
ACAF 511 Toxicology Seçmeli
ACAF 512 Basic Stricture and Structure Knowledge Seçmeli
ACAF 513 Fire Safety and Chemistry Seçmeli
ACAF 514 Disaster Diseases Seçmeli
ACAF 515 Climate Disaster Seçmeli
ACAF 516 Forensic Medicine and Identification in Disasters Seçmeli
ACAF 599 Thesis Seçmeli
CLPH 600 Thesis Seçmeli
CLPH 601 Pathophysiology I Seçmeli
CLPH 602 Pathophysiology II Seçmeli
CLPH 603 Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy Seçmeli
CLPH 604 Clinical Biochemistry Seçmeli
CLPH 606 Organization and Management of Health Foundations Seçmeli
CLPH 608 Pharmacy Management Seçmeli
CLPH 609 Literature Evaluation Seçmeli
CLPH 610 Total Parenteral Nutrition Seçmeli
CLPH 611 Clinical Pharmacy Applications I Seçmeli
CLPH 612 Clinical Pharmacy Applications II Seçmeli
CLPH 614 Basic Immunology Seçmeli
CLPH 615 Drug Abuse Seçmeli
CLPH 616 Seminar Seçmeli
CLPH 617 Pharmacy Services in Oncology and Hematology Seçmeli
CLPH 618 Complementary and Alternative Therapy Seçmeli
CLPH 619 Advanced Pharmacology I Seçmeli
CLPH 620 Advanced Pharmacology II Seçmeli
CLPH 621 Pharmacotherapy I Seçmeli
CLPH 622 Pharmacotherapy II Seçmeli
CLPH 623 Principles for Approach to Patient in Pharmacy Seçmeli
CLPH 624 Drug-Drug, Drug-Nutrient, Drug-Disease Interactions Seçmeli
CLPH 625 Gentic Polymorphysim and Drug Therapy Seçmeli
CLPH 626 Therapeutical Drug Monitoring and Clinic Pharmacokinetic Seçmeli
CLPH 627 Role of Pharmacist in Clinical Researches Seçmeli
CLPH 628 Clinical Toxicology Seçmeli
CLPH 630 Biopharmaceutics Seçmeli
CLPH 631 Pharmaceutical Applications Seçmeli
CLPH 650 Graduation Project Seçmeli
CLPH 686 Pharmacoepidemiology Seçmeli
COS 601 Cosmetic Ingredients(Active&Other Ingredients) and Their Functions Seçmeli
COS 602 Natural Active Ingredients That Are Used in Cosmetics Seçmeli
COS 611 Ethical and Regulatory Arrangements about Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
COS 612 Safety and Eficacy of Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
COS 613 Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
COS 621 Structer of skin and its appendages and their functions Seçmeli
COS 631 Cosmetic Products I Seçmeli
COS 632 Cosmetic Products II Seçmeli
COS 634 Cosmetics and Delivery Systems Seçmeli
COS 641 Cosmetic Product Design to Marketing(R&D)Process Seçmeli
COS 652 Cosmetic Seminars Seçmeli
COS 700 Thesis Seçmeli
COS 701 Special Topics in Cosmetology Writing a PROJECT Seçmeli
DEND 501 Introduction To Endodontics Clinics Seçmeli
DEND 502 Clinical Studies in Endodontics Seçmeli
DEND 503 Endodontic Treatment 1 Seçmeli
DEND 504 Endodontic Treatment 2 Seçmeli
DEND 505 Literature Review 1 Seçmeli
DEND 506 Literature Review 2 Seçmeli
DEND 507 Pulpal Treatments Seçmeli
DEND 590 Seminar 1 Seçmeli
DEND 599 Endodontics MSc Thesis Seçmeli
DEND 601 Endodontics Clinic 1 Seçmeli
DEND 602 Endodontics Clinic 2 Seçmeli
DEND 603 Endodontics Clinic 3 Seçmeli
DEND 604 Endodontics Clinic 4 Seçmeli
DEND 605 Root Canal Treatment 1 Seçmeli
DEND 606 Root Canal Treatment 2 Seçmeli
DEND 607 Endodontic Diseases 1 Seçmeli
DEND 608 Endodontic Diseases 2 Seçmeli
DEND 609 Literature Revıiw 3 Seçmeli
DEND 610 Literature Review 4 Seçmeli
DEND 611 Vital Pulp Treatments Seçmeli
DEND 612 Case Discussion 2 Seçmeli
DEND 613 Endodontics Preclinic 1 Seçmeli
DEND 690 Seminar 2 Seçmeli
DEND 699 Endodontics PhD Thesis Seçmeli
DEST 501 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics I Seçmeli
DEST 502 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics II Seçmeli
DEST 503 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics III Seçmeli
DEST 504 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics IV Seçmeli
DEST 509 Preclinical Adhesive Dentistry Seçmeli
DEST 521 Adhesive Dentistry Seçmeli
DEST 581 Esthetic Dentistry I Seçmeli
DEST 582 Esthetic Dentistry II Seçmeli
DEST 590 Seminar Seçmeli
DEST 599 Restorative Dentistry Estetic Master Thesis Seçmeli
DNSC 568 Photography Concept and Dental Photography Seçmeli
DOPR 501 Operative Dentistry Clinics I Seçmeli
DOPR 502 Operative Dentistry Clinics II Seçmeli
DOPR 503 Operative Dentistry Clinics III Seçmeli
DOPR 504 Operative Dentistry Clinics IV Seçmeli
DOPR 531 Preclinical Operative Dentistry Seçmeli
DOPR 590 Seminar Seçmeli
DOPR 599 Restorative Dentistry Restorative Master Thesis Seçmeli
DOPR 601 Operative Dentistry Clinics V Seçmeli
DOPR 602 Operative Dentistry Clinics VI Seçmeli
DOPR 603 Operative Dentistry Clinics VII Seçmeli
DOPR 604 Operative Dentistry Clinics VIII Seçmeli
DOPR 611 Operative Dentistry Seçmeli
DOPR 690 Seminar Seçmeli
DOPR 699 Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Thesis Seçmeli
DORD 500 Dental Radiology Seçmeli
DORD 502 Radiographic Techniques and Diagnosis Seçmeli
DORD 505 Clinical Practices I Seçmeli
DORD 506 Clinical Practices II Seçmeli
DORD 590 Seminar-I Seçmeli
DORD 591 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DORD 593 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DORD 599 Thesis Seçmeli
DORD 601 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic I Seçmeli
DORD 605 Radiographic Interpretation Seçmeli
DORD 606 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic II Seçmeli
DORD 607 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic III Seçmeli
DORD 608 Radiobiology and Radiation Protection Seçmeli
DORD 609 Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases in Dentistry Seçmeli
DORD 610 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic IV Seçmeli
DORD 631 Oral Mucosal Disease Seçmeli
DORD 690 Seminar II Seçmeli
DORD 691 Literature Review III Seçmeli
DORD 693 Literature Review IV Seçmeli
DORD 699 PhD Thesis Seçmeli
DORT 501 Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning Seçmeli
DORT 502 Orthodontic treatment approaches and techniques Seçmeli
DORT 503 Basic edgewise I Seçmeli
DORT 504 Basic edgewise II Seçmeli
DORT 507 Orthodontic Clinic I Seçmeli
DORT 508 Orthodontic Clinic II Seçmeli
DORT 509 Orthodontic Clinic III Seçmeli
DORT 510 Orthodontic Clinic IV Seçmeli
DORT 511 Preventive and İnterceptive Orthodontics I Seçmeli
DORT 512 Preventive and İnterceptive Orthodontics II Seçmeli
DORT 581 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DORT 582 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DORT 591 Seminars I Seçmeli
DORT 592 Seminars II Seçmeli
DORT 599 MSc Thesis in Orthodontics Seçmeli
DORT 601 Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning Seçmeli
DORT 602 Orthodontic treatment approaches and techniques Seçmeli
DORT 603 Advanced edgewise I Seçmeli
DORT 604 Advanced edgewise II Seçmeli
DORT 605 Congenital Anomalies and Treatment Approach Seçmeli
DORT 606 Adult orthodontics Seçmeli
DORT 607 Case discussion I Seçmeli
DORT 608 Case discussion II Seçmeli
DORT 609 Case discussion III Seçmeli
DORT 610 Case discussion IV Seçmeli
DORT 611 Interdisciplinary Approaches Seçmeli
DORT 612 Lingual Technics in Orthodontics and Aesthetic Approaches Seçmeli
DORT 613 Oral Hygiene in Orthodontics Seçmeli
DORT 681 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DORT 682 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DORT 683 Literature Review III Seçmeli
DORT 684 Literature Review IV Seçmeli
DORT 691 Seminars I Seçmeli
DORT 692 Seminars II Seçmeli
DORT 693 Seminars III Seçmeli
DORT 694 Seminars IV Seçmeli
DORT 699 PhD Thesis in Orthodontics Seçmeli
DPED 501 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics I Seçmeli
DPED 502 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics II Seçmeli
DPED 503 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics III Seçmeli
DPED 504 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics IV Seçmeli
DPED 505 Case Discussions I Seçmeli
DPED 506 Case Discussions II Seçmeli
DPED 511 Advanced Pedodontics I Seçmeli
DPED 512 Advanced Pedodontics II Seçmeli
DPED 591 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DPED 592 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DPED 594 Seminar Seçmeli
DPED 599 Master Thesis in Pediatric Dentistry Seçmeli
DPED 601 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry I Seçmeli
DPED 602 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry II Seçmeli
DPED 603 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry III Seçmeli
DPED 604 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry IV Seçmeli
DPED 605 Case Presentations I Seçmeli
DPED 606 Case Presentations II Seçmeli
DPED 607 Case Presentations III Seçmeli
DPED 608 Case Presentations IV Seçmeli
DPED 611 Advanced Applications in Paediatric Dentistry I Seçmeli
DPED 612 Advanced Applications in Paediatric Dentistry II Seçmeli
DPED 691 Scientific Paper Review I Seçmeli
DPED 692 Scientific Paper Review II Seçmeli
DPED 693 SeminAr I Seçmeli
DPED 694 Seminar II Seçmeli
DPED 699 Doctorate Thesis in Pediatric Dentistry Seçmeli
DPER 501 Periodontology Clinic I Seçmeli
DPER 502 Periodontology Clinic II Seçmeli
DPER 503 Diagnosis, Treatment Plan, Case Discussion I Seçmeli
DPER 504 Diagnosis, Treatment Plan, Case Discussion II Seçmeli
DPER 505 Literature Discussion I Seçmeli
DPER 506 Literature Discussion II Seçmeli
DPER 507 Oral Implantology in Dentistry Seçmeli
DPER 590 Periodontology Seminar Seçmeli
DPER 599 Periodontology Master Thesis Seçmeli
DPER 611 Periodontology I Seçmeli
DPER 612 Periodontology II Seçmeli
DPER 613 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan I Seçmeli
DPER 614 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan II Seçmeli
DPER 615 Non –Surgical Periodontal Treatment I Seçmeli
DPER 616 Non –Surgical Periodontal Treatment II Seçmeli
DPER 617 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DPER 618 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DPER 619 Periodontology III Seçmeli
DPER 620 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan III Seçmeli
DPER 621 Non –Surgical Periodontal Treatment III Seçmeli
DPER 622 Literature Review III Seçmeli
DPER 623 Surgical Periodontal Treatment Seçmeli
DPER 624 Oral Implantology Seçmeli
DPER 690 Seminar Seçmeli
DPER 699 Periodontology Doctorate Thesis Seçmeli
DPRO 501 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-I Seçmeli
DPRO 502 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-II Seçmeli
DPRO 503 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-III Seçmeli
DPRO 504 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-IV Seçmeli
DPRO 511 Removable Dentures-I Seçmeli
DPRO 512 Removable Dentures-II Seçmeli
DPRO 521 Fıxed Denture-I Seçmeli
DPRO 522 Fıxed Denture-II Seçmeli
DPRO 531 Case Dıscussıon- I Seçmeli
DPRO 532 Case Dıscussıon- II Seçmeli
DPRO 541 Lıterature Review-I Seçmeli
DPRO 542 Lıterature Review-II Seçmeli
DPRO 560 Occlusion Seçmeli
DPRO 565 Functional Occlusion and TMD Seçmeli
DPRO 590 Semınary -I Seçmeli
DPRO 599 Thesis Seçmeli
DPRO 601 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -I Seçmeli
DPRO 602 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -II Seçmeli
DPRO 603 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -III Seçmeli
DPRO 604 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -IV Seçmeli
DPRO 611 Advenced Removable Dentures-I Seçmeli
DPRO 612 Advenced Removable Dentures-II Seçmeli
DPRO 621 Advenced Fıxed Denture-I Seçmeli
DPRO 622 Advenced Fıxed Denture-II Seçmeli
DPRO 631 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -I Seçmeli
DPRO 632 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -II Seçmeli
DPRO 633 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -III Seçmeli
DPRO 641 Advenced Lıterature Review-I Seçmeli
DPRO 642 Advenced Lıterature Review-II Seçmeli
DPRO 660 Advenced Occlusıon Seçmeli
DPRO 665 Advanced Functıonal Occlusıon and TMD Seçmeli
DPRO 690 Seminar -II Seçmeli
DPRO 699 Thesis Seçmeli
DSUR 592 Seminar Seçmeli
DİMP 544 Implant Complications and Treatment Seçmeli
ECKM 501 Introduction to Drug Seçmeli
ECKM 502 Cosmetology and Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
ECKM 503 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Seçmeli
ECKM 504 Controlled Release Systems Seçmeli
ECKM 505 Preformulation Seçmeli
ECKM 506 Literature Search/Patents Seçmeli
ECKM 507 Production I Seçmeli
ECKM 508 Production II Seçmeli
ECKM 509 Basic Concepts and Design in Drug İndustry Seçmeli
ECKM 510 Seminar Seçmeli
ECKM 511 Stoichiometry Seçmeli
ECKM 512 Purification Mechanism and Processes Seçmeli
ECKM 513 Enginearing Thermodynamics and Flow Processes Seçmeli
ECKM 514 Mathematic Modelling Seçmeli
ECKM 515 Chemical Reaction Kinetics Seçmeli
ECKM 516 Biopharmaceutical Production Seçmeli
ECKM 517 Physical Pharmacy Seçmeli
ECKM 518 Pharmaceutic standarting materials Seçmeli
ECKM 519 Regulations and registration Seçmeli
ECKM 520 Patent for drug Endustry Seçmeli
ECKM 521 Otomation Seçmeli
ECKM 522 New dosage forms Seçmeli
ECKM 523 Pharmaceutical Unit Processes Seçmeli
ECKM 524 Pharmaceutical Engineering Fundamentals Seçmeli
ECKM 525 Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals Seçmeli
ECKM 526 Cosmetic Ingredients Seçmeli
ECKM 527 Cosmetic Formulations and Production-I Seçmeli
ECKM 528 Cosmetic Formulations and Production-II Seçmeli
ECKM 529 Quality Control Tests and Quality Assurance for Cosmetics Seçmeli
ECKM 530 Packaging Technologies for Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Seçmeli
ECKM 531 Marketing of Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Seçmeli
ECKM 532 Production of Radiopharmaceuticals Seçmeli
ECKM 590 Graduation/Finishing Project (Non-thesis) Seçmeli
ECKM 600 Thesis Seçmeli
FAR 700 Thesis- Special Topics Seçmeli
FAR 701 Mechanisms of action of Drug Seçmeli
FAR 702 Pharmacokinetic Seçmeli
FAR 703 Functional Anatomy, Pharmacology of the Cell and Signalling Delivery Mechanisms Seçmeli
FAR 704 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Neurotransmitters Seçmeli
FAR 705 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Autocoids Seçmeli
FAR 706 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Hormones Seçmeli
FAR 707 Advanced Experimental Pharmacology I Seçmeli
FAR 708 Advanced Experimental Pharmacology-2 Seçmeli
FAR 709 Advanced Technics in Literature Searching and Evaluation-I Seçmeli
FAR 710 Advanced Technics in Literature Searching and Evaluation-II Seçmeli
FAR 711 Advanced Techincs in Scientific Presentation and Writing Seçmeli
FAR 712 Advanced Biostatistics (Epidemiology) Seçmeli
FAR 713 Science Ethics Seçmeli
FAR 714 Toxicology Seçmeli
FAR 715 Principles of Clinical Pharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 716 Pharmacology of Endocrine System Seçmeli
FAR 717 Pharmacogenetics Seçmeli
FAR 718 Molecular Pharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 719 Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 720 Cardiovascular System Drugs Seçmeli
FAR 721 Respiratory System Drugs Seçmeli
FAR 722 Psychoneuropharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 723 Seminar Seçmeli
FPT 601 Pathophysiology of Hematopoietic System Seçmeli
FPT 602 Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular System Seçmeli
FPT 603 Pathophysiology of Respiratory System Seçmeli
FPT 604 Pathophysiology of Endocrine System Seçmeli
FPT 605 Pathophysiology of Urinary System Seçmeli
FPT 606 Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal System Seçmeli
FPT 607 Advanced Immunology Seçmeli
FPT 608 Advanced Methods and Models of Researchs Seçmeli
FPT 609 Pathophysiology of Reproductive System Seçmeli
FPT 610 Pathophysiology of Musculoskeletal System, and Connective Tissue Diseases Seçmeli
FPT 611 Pathophysiology of Immun System Diseases Seçmeli
FPT 612 Trace Elements and Vitamins in Health and Disease Seçmeli
FPT 613 Pathobiology and Pathophysiology of Cancer Seçmeli
FPT 614 Cardiac Arrhythmias and The Analysis, and The Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram Seçmeli
FPT 615 Clinical Toxicology Seçmeli
FPT 690 Seminar Seçmeli
FPT 699 Thesis Seçmeli
FTR 208 Advanced Electrotherapy Seçmeli
FTR 601 Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
FTR 602 Test and Measurements in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 604 Seminar Seçmeli
FTR 605 Neuro-physiological Approaches in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 607 Patho-kinesiology of the Human Body Seçmeli
FTR 608 Advanced Electrotherapy Seçmeli
FTR 609 Neurological Rehabilitation in Adults Seçmeli
FTR 610 Advanced Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Seçmeli
FTR 611 Nutrition in Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 612 Occupational Therapy Seçmeli
FTR 613 Trends in Orthotics and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 614 Pediatric Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 615 Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 616 Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 617 Evidenced Based Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 618 Community Health Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 619 International Classification of Function in Physiotherapy Seçmeli
FTR 620 Speech and Hearing Disabilities and Rehabilitation Approaches Seçmeli
FTR 621 Geriatric Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 622 Cognitive Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 623 Physiotherapy in Pain Treatment Seçmeli
FTR 690 Thesis Seçmeli
FZY 601 Cellular and Molecular Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 602 Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 603 Advanced Blood Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 604 Advanced Respiratory System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 605 Advanced Nervous System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 606 Advanced Endocrine System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 607 Advanced Gastro-Intestinal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 608 Advanced Renal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 609 Immune System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 610 Advanced Reproductive System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 611 Musculo-Skeletal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 612 Sports and Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 613 Advanced Research Methods and Models Seçmeli
FZY 614 Cardiac Arrhythmias and Electrocardiographic Analysis Seçmeli
FZY 690 Seminar Seçmeli
FZY 699 Thesis Seçmeli
HE 501 Structures and Histochemical Properties of Cells and Tissues Seçmeli
HE 502 Application of Histological and Molecular Laboratory Techniques Seçmeli
HE 503 General Embryology Seçmeli
HE 504 Histology of Urogenital and Endocrine System Seçmeli
HE 505 Embryology of Urogenital and Endocrine System Seçmeli
HE 507 Basic Assisted Reproductive Techniques Seçmeli
HE 590 Seminar Seçmeli
HE 599 Thesis Seçmeli
HE 601 Research Methods of Cell and Developmental Biology Seçmeli
HE 602 Embryology and Histology of Cardiovascular System Seçmeli
HE 603 Embryology and Histology of Respiratory System Seçmeli
HE 604 Embryology and Histology of Digestive System Seçmeli
HE 605 Embryology and Histology of Urogenital System Seçmeli
HE 606 Embryology and Histology of Nervous System Seçmeli
HE 607 Embryology and Histology of Endocrine System Seçmeli
HE 608 Embryology and Histology of Special Sense Organs Seçmeli
HE 610 Reproductive Genetics and Infertility Seçmeli
HE 612 Biology of Stem Cells and Tumor Cells Seçmeli
HE 613 Principles of Electron Microscopy Seçmeli
HE 690 Seminar Seçmeli
HE 699 Thesis Seçmeli
HESC 574 Human Genetics in Health Science Seçmeli
HESC 581 Bioistatistics I Seçmeli
HESC 582 Bioistatistics II Seçmeli
HS 501 Introduction to public health Seçmeli
HS 502 Global health - I Seçmeli
HS 503 Epidemiology - I Seçmeli
HS 504 Basic Biostatistics Seçmeli
HS 505 Communicable diseases and public health Seçmeli
HS 506 Global health - II Seçmeli
HS 507 Epidemiology - II Seçmeli
HS 508 Health promotion and health behavior Seçmeli
HS 509 Evidence based medicine Seçmeli
HS 510 Making Sense of Data Seçmeli
HS 511 Occupational and environmental health Seçmeli
HS 512 Health management and policy Seçmeli
HS 513 Mother and Child Health Seçmeli
HS 514 Public Health and Ethics Seçmeli
HS 515 Public Health and Demography Seçmeli
HS 516 Community Nutrition Seçmeli
HS 517 Community Oriented Primary Care Seçmeli
HS 518 Ageing and Health Seçmeli
HS 519 Health Inequities in Vulnerable Populations Seçmeli
HS 590 Seminar Seçmeli
HS 598 Graduation Project Seçmeli
HS 599 Dissertation Seçmeli
ISG 508 Occupational Psychology and Teaching Skills in Occupational Health and Safety Seçmeli
ISG 590 Seminar Seçmeli
ISG 592 Project Work Seçmeli
ISG 599 Thesis Seçmeli
MOL 101 Introduction to Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 102 Advanced Medical Biology Seçmeli
MOL 103 Analytical Methods in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 104 Basic Concepts in Biochemistry Seçmeli
MOL 105 Research in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 106 Molecular Mechanism of Nutrition (Nutrigenomics) Seçmeli
MOL 107 Advanced Biochemistry Seçmeli
MOL 108 Laboratory Animal and Their Application in Research Seçmeli
MOL 109 Molecular Approach to Disease and Individual Treatment Seçmeli
MOL 110 Introduction to Bioinformatics and System Biology Seçmeli
MOL 111 Cell Culture Seçmeli
MOL 112 Molecular Medical Microbiology and Virology Seçmeli
MOL 113 Microarray Technology and Data Analysis Seçmeli
MOL 114 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
MOL 115 From Research to Publication Seçmeli
MOL 116 Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Seçmeli
MOL 117 Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense and DNA Repair Mechanisms Seçmeli
MOL 118 Productivity and Creativity in Science Seçmeli
MOL 119 Placement in Molecular Medicine Laboratory Seçmeli
MOL 201 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules in Biological Systems Seçmeli
MOL 202 Cell Structure and Function Seçmeli
MOL 203 Research and Analysis Methods in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 204 Molecular Medicine-A: Molecular Mechanisms in Diagnosis and Treatment approaches Seçmeli
MOL 205 Molecular Medicine-B: Molecular Mechanisms in Diagnostics and Treatment Seçmeli
MOL 206 Molecular Approach to Human Malformation Seçmeli
MOL 207 Structure and Function of Genes Seçmeli
MOL 210 Research Ethics Seçmeli
MOL 211 Biobanks Seçmeli
MOL 215 Molecular Embryology and Histology Seçmeli
MOL 216 Protein Analysis and Evaluation Seçmeli
MOL 218 Vascular Biology Seçmeli
MOL 220 Biological membrane structure and function Seçmeli
MOL 221 Neurobiology Seçmeli
MOL 222 Proteomics Seçmeli
MOL 223 Nervous System Disorders Seçmeli
MOL 225 Infection and Pathogenesis Seçmeli
MOL 226 Molecular Mechanism of Toxicology Seçmeli
MOL 227 Standardization and Quality Control in Medical Laboratories Seçmeli
MOL 505 Cell Sıgnal Transductıon Seçmeli
MOL 506 Basic Epigenetics Seçmeli
MOL 507 Molecular Approaches to Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 508 Basic Cytogenetics Seçmeli
MOL 599 Molecular Medicine MScThesis Seçmeli
MOL 609 Molecular Mechanisms of Neurological Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 610 Hormonal Signaling Pathways Seçmeli
MOL 611 Molecular Basis of Pharmacogenetic Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 612 Vascular Ageing Seçmeli
MOL 613 Molecular Approach To Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 699 Molecular Medicine PhD Thesis Seçmeli
MPHYS 511 Metrology, Calibration, and Accreditation of Measurements Seçmeli
MPHYS 512 Medical Metrology Seçmeli
MPHYS 520 Internship in Hospital or Related Clinics Seçmeli
MPHYS 523 Diagnostic Radiology Physics Seçmeli
MPHYS 527 Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection Seçmeli
MPHYS 532 Nuclear Medicine Physics Seçmeli
MPHYS 535 Structure of Human Body Seçmeli
MPHYS 542 Radiotherapy Physics Seçmeli
MPHYS 543 Dosimetry Methods in Radiotherapy Seçmeli
MPHYS 544 Clinical Radiotherapy Planning and Advanced Seçmeli
MPHYS 590 Seminar Seçmeli
MPHYS 600 MSc dissertation Seçmeli
ND 103 Nutritional epidemiology Seçmeli
ND 105 Food science and technology Seçmeli
ND 106 Food Service organizatıon and management Seçmeli
ND 107 Seminar Seçmeli
ND 108 Research Methods in Nutritional Studies Seçmeli
ND 109 Functional Foods Seçmeli
ND 110 Metabolism Seçmeli
ND 112 Nutrition Needs During The Life Cycle Seçmeli
ND 203 Advanced clinical nutrition Seçmeli
ND 205 Sports nutrition Seçmeli
ND 206 Nutrition and behaviour Seçmeli
ND 207 Community nutrition Seçmeli
ND 208 Advance biostatistics Seçmeli
ND 209 Counselling skills and strategies Seçmeli
ND 210 Selected topics in nutrition Seçmeli
ND 211 Food processing and the availability of the nutrients Seçmeli
ND 212 Food safety and hygiene Seçmeli
ND 213 Food legislation Seçmeli
ND 214 Selected topics in food science and technology Seçmeli
ND 215 Food mycology and mycotoxins Seçmeli
ND 216 Food pathogens Seçmeli
ND 301 Thesis Seçmeli
NUR 502 Identification and Classification Systems in Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 505 Basic Communication and Teaching Methods Seçmeli
NUR 506 Health policies Seçmeli
NUR 508 Seminar I Seçmeli
NUR 509 Seminar II Seçmeli
NUR 510 Fundamentals of Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 511 Medical Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 512 Surgical Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 513 Pediatric Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 514 Woman Health Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 515 Public Health Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 516 Mental Health Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 518 Conseptual Framework of Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 519 Management in Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 520 Education in Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 524 Pathophysiology I Seçmeli
NUR 525 Pathophysiology II Seçmeli
NUR 526 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 527 Medical Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 528 Surgical Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 529 Pediatric Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 530 Woman Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 531 Public Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 532 Public Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 533 Disertation Study Seçmeli
NUR 534 Management in Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 535 Education in Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 536 Care Management in Chronical Disaeses Seçmeli
NUR 537 Evidence Based Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 538 Emergency and Crisis Management Seçmeli
NUR 539 Innovation in Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 540 Mental Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
OMFS 501 Diagnosis and Treatment in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 502 Basic Concepts in Dental İmplants Seçmeli
OMFS 503 Dentofacial Trauma Seçmeli
OMFS 504 Case Discussion I Seçmeli
OMFS 505 Literature Review I Seçmeli
OMFS 590 Seminars in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 599 Thesis in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 601 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 602 Treatment Approach in Oral and Maxillofacial Area Seçmeli
OMFS 603 Maxillofacial Trauma Seçmeli
OMFS 604 Advanced Surgical Techniques in Dental Implants Seçmeli
OMFS 605 Oral and Maxillofacial Deformities Seçmeli
OMFS 606 Case Discussion II Seçmeli
OMFS 607 Literature Review II Seçmeli
OMFS 690 Seminars in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 699 Thesis in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
PAC 601 Advanced Solution Chemistry I Seçmeli
PAC 602 Advanced Solution Chemistry II Seçmeli
PAC 603 Research Techniques and Ethical Values Seçmeli
PAC 604 Laboratory Safety and Risk Management Seçmeli
PAC 605 Principles of Analysis Seçmeli
PAC 606 Separation Methods Seçmeli
PAC 607 Chromatographic Analysis Methods Seçmeli
PAC 608 Electroanalytical Techniques Seçmeli
PAC 609 Organic Electrochemistry Seçmeli
PAC 610 Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory and Applications Seçmeli
PAC 611 Bioanalytical Chemistry Seçmeli
PAC 612 Quality Management Systems in Analytical Laboratories Seçmeli
PAC 613 Chemical Analysis and Validation Seçmeli
PAC 614 Advanced Spectroscopy: Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy Seçmeli
PAC 615 Advanced Biochemistry Seçmeli
PAC 616 Spectroelectrochemistry Seçmeli
PAC 617 Chemical Kinetics Seçmeli
PAC 618 Structures and Analysis of Organic Molecules Seçmeli
PAC 619 Small Molecule Bioactivity Analysis Seçmeli
PAC 620 Biotechnological Drug Analysis I Seçmeli
PAC 621 Biotechnological Drug Analysis II Seçmeli
PAC 622 Mathematical Applications in Chemical Analysis Seçmeli
PAC 623 Biosensors Seçmeli
PAC 640 Specialized Field Course Seçmeli
PAC 698 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PHE 630 Pharmacovigilance Management Seçmeli
PHE 660 Thesis Seçmeli
PMC 600 Special Topics Seçmeli
PMC 601 Literature Research Techniques Seçmeli
PMC 602 Laboratory Safety Seçmeli
PMC 603 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Seçmeli
PMC 604 Introduction to Molecular Modeling and Computer Aided Molecular Modeling Seçmeli
PMC 605 Seminar on Medicinal Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 606 Organic Reactions, Mechanisms and Applications I Seçmeli
PMC 607 Bioanalytic Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 608 Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Analysis Seçmeli
PMC 609 Biotransformation and Bioorganic Reactions in Drug Design Seçmeli
PMC 610 Physicochemical Parameters of Drugs and Applications Seçmeli
PMC 611 Drug Nomenclature Seçmeli
PMC 612 Basic Drug Desıgn Seçmeli
PMC 613 Solution Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 614 Basic Instrumentation Seçmeli
PMC 615 Screening methods to identify bioactive small molecules Seçmeli
PMC 616 Biostatistics Seçmeli
PMC 617 Introduction to Pharmacology Seçmeli
PMC 618 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 619 Organic Reactions, Mechanisms and Applications II Seçmeli
PMC 620 Separation Techniques Seçmeli
PMC 621 Drug Synthesis Methods Seçmeli
PMC 699 Project Seçmeli
PMC 700 Special Topics Seçmeli
PMC 701 Nomenclature of Heterocyclic Compounds Seçmeli
PMC 702 Drug Design Seçmeli
PMC 703 Advanced Technics in Pharmaceutical Analysis Seçmeli
PMC 704 Molecular Biology in Medicinal Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 705 Enzymology in Drug Development Seçmeli
PMC 706 Proteomics Seçmeli
PMC 707 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in Drug Synthesis Seçmeli
PMC 708 Experimental Methods in Pharmacology and Drug Screening Techniques Seçmeli
PMC 709 Drug Target and Evaluation Seçmeli
PMC 710 High Throughput Drug Discovery Seçmeli
PMC 711 Computer Aided Drug Design Seçmeli
PMC 712 Receptor Pharmacology and Cell Signaling Seçmeli
PMC 713 Literature Search and Ethics Seçmeli
PMC 714 Organic Electrochemistry Seçmeli
PMC 715 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Seminar Seçmeli
PMC 800 Preparation for Proficiency Exam Seçmeli
PMC 900 Special Topics in Medicinal Chemistry(Thesis Research) Seçmeli
PRG 700 Special Topics in Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 701 Techniques for Acquiring Scientific Knowledge in Pharmacy Seçmeli
PRG 702 Microscopical and Morphological Analysis of Plant Drugs Seçmeli
PRG 703 Methods of Chemical and Chromatographic Analysis in Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 704 Seminars in Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 705 Basic Concepts in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Seçmeli
PRG 706 Basic Concepts in Ethnopharmacology Seçmeli
PRG 707 Ethnobotanical Research Techniques Seçmeli
PRG 708 Industrial Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 709 Spectroscopical Analysis Methods of Natural Compounds Seçmeli
PRG 710 Methods in Ethnopharmacology I Seçmeli
PRG 711 Methods in Ethnopharmacology II Seçmeli
PRG 712 Secondary Plant Metabolites I Seçmeli
PRG 713 Secondary Plant Metabolites II Seçmeli
PRG 716 İn Vitro bioactivity screening systems Seçmeli
PRG 717 Advanced Pharmacognosy Education Seçmeli
PRG 718 Advanced Pharmaceutical Botany Education Seçmeli
PRG 721 Medicinal Plant Cultivation Seçmeli
PRG 722 Phytopharmacy; General Concepts, Definitions, Regulations and Applications Seçmeli
PRG 723 Risk Management in Herbal Drugs Application Seçmeli
PRG 724 Clinical Efficacy in Herbal Drugs Seçmeli
PRG 725 Monographic Information on Herbal Drugs Seçmeli
PRG 726 Herbal Medicinal Teas Seçmeli
PRG 727 Interactions with Pharmacotherapy and Natural Products Seçmeli
PRG 728 Bioavailability, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmakinetic Specifications of Natural Products Seçmeli
PRG 730 Complementary and Alternative Treatment Systems Seçmeli
PTR 600 Thesis Seçmeli
PTR 610 Clinical Phytotherapy Seçmeli
PTR 618 Medicinal Plants Cultivation Seçmeli
PTR 619 Traditional Treatment Systems and Practices and Supplementary Seçmeli
PTR 620 Nutraceutics and Dietary Supplements Seçmeli
PTR 650 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PTR 690 Seminar Seçmeli
PTX 601 Basic Concepts in Toxicology-I Seçmeli
PTX 602 Basic Concepts in Toxicology-II Seçmeli
PTX 603 Poisoning and Treatment-I Seçmeli
PTX 604 Poisoning and Treatment-II Seçmeli
PTX 605 Metal Toxicology I Seçmeli
PTX 606 Metal Toxicology-II Seçmeli
PTX 607 Advanced Analytical Methods in Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 609 Pesticide Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 610 Drug Interactions and Safe Use of Medicines Seçmeli
PTX 612 Risk Assessment in Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 613 Forensic Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 614 Free Radicals and Toxicological Importance Seçmeli
PTX 615 Toxicity Tests Seçmeli
PTX 617 Cosmetic Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 618 Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Seçmeli
PTX 619 In Silico Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 620 New Approaches Methodology Seçmeli
PTX 650 Seminars in Pharmaceutical Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 698 Project Work Seçmeli
PTX 699 Thesis Seçmeli
PTX 701 Toxic Responses of Target Organs-I Seçmeli
PTX 702 Toxic Responses of Target Organs-II Seçmeli
PTX 703 Extrahepatic Metabolism-I Seçmeli
PTX 704 Extrahepatic Metabolism-II Seçmeli
PTX 705 Immunotoxicology Seçmeli
PTX 706 Genetic Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 707 Food Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 710 Industrial Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 900 Special Topics in Pharmaceutical Toxicology Seçmeli
SBE 701 Maksillofacial Anomaly Seçmeli
SBE 702 Head and Neck Functıonal Anatomy Seçmeli
SBE 703 Oral Mıcrobıology Seçmeli
SBE 704 Dental Pharmacology Seçmeli
SBE 705 Problem Based Learnıng Seçmeli
SBE 706 Scıentıfıc Research and Publıcatıon Methods Seçmeli
SBE 707 Basic Biostatistics Seçmeli
SBE 708 Advanced Biostatistics Seçmeli
SBE 709 Oral Histology-Embryology and Imaging Methods Seçmeli
SBE 710 Oral Pathology Seçmeli
SBE 711 Materials Science in Dentistry Seçmeli
SNR 699 Thesis Seçmeli
SPT 218 Epidemiology of Sports Injuries and Preventive Measures Seçmeli
SPT 601 Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation I Seçmeli
SPT 602 Test and Measurements in Sports Physioterapy Seçmeli
SPT 604 Seminar Seçmeli
SPT 605 Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation II Seçmeli
SPT 606 Advanced Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
SPT 607 Orthopeadics in Spor Medicine Seçmeli
SPT 608 Test and Measurements in Sports Physiotherapy for Spesific Group Seçmeli
SPT 609 Functional Rehabilitation in Sports Seçmeli
SPT 610 Sports Biomechanics Seçmeli
SPT 611 Orthopeadic and Traumathological Approaches in Sports Injuries Seçmeli
SPT 612 Taping in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 613 Orthotic Approach in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 614 Sports for All Seçmeli
SPT 615 Exercise Trends in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 616 Firs Aid in Sports Injures Seçmeli
SPT 617 Sports, Recreational Activities and Healthy Living Seçmeli
SPT 618 Epidemiology of Sports Injuries and Preventive Measures Seçmeli
SPT 619 Sports Management and Organization Seçmeli
SPT 620 Disability Sport Seçmeli
SPT 621 Adapted Physical Education and Activity (APE-APA) Seçmeli
SPT 622 Evidence Based Sports Physiotherapy in Sports Seçmeli
SPT 623 Manipulative Techniques in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 690 Thesis Seçmeli
SYN 501 Health Care Management Seçmeli
SYN 502 Health Care Economics Seçmeli
SYN 503 Human Resource Management in Health Care Organizations Seçmeli
SYN 504 HCM 504 Pharmacoeconomics Seçmeli
SYN 505 Ethics and Patient Rights Seçmeli
SYN 506 Contemporary Management and Organizationin in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 507 Financial Management in Health Care Systems Seçmeli
SYN 508 Organizational Behavior in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 519 Business Statistics Seçmeli
SYN 521 Health Care Insurance Management Seçmeli
SYN 522 Cost Management in Health Care Systems Seçmeli
SYN 531 Marketing in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 532 The Patient-Provider Relationship Management Seçmeli
SYN 541 International Health Care Systems and Policy Management Seçmeli
SYN 542 Health Care Law Seçmeli
SYN 543 Health Care Technology and Information Systems Management Seçmeli
SYN 544 Public Health Care Systems and Policies Seçmeli
SYN 545 Supply Chain Management in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 546 Quality Control and Accreditation in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 596 Research Methodology Seçmeli
SYN 597 Health Care Management Seminar Seçmeli
SYN 598 Health Care Graduation Project Seçmeli
SYN 599 Thesis Seçmeli
Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
MOL 503 Biology of Cancer Seçmeli
MOL 504 Molecular Bıology Technıques Seçmeli
MOL 603 Cellular Sıgnal Transduction and Mechanism Seçmeli
MOL 604 Epigenetic Aproaches for Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 607 Molecular Basis of Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 608 Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques Seçmeli

Ders Yılı: 2

Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
MOL 501 Cell Biology Seçmeli
MOL 502 Structure and Function of The Gene Seçmeli
MOL 590 Seminar Seçmeli
MOL 601 Advanced Cell Biology Seçmeli
MOL 602 Structure and Regulation of The Gene Seçmeli
MOL 605 Molecular Basıs of Cancer Bıology Seçmeli
MOL 606 Cytogenetics Seçmeli
MOL 690 Seminar Seçmeli