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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ACM 511 Networks and Applications in Information Systems Seçmeli
ACM 512 E-Business Management Seçmeli
ACM 513 Project Management in MIS Seçmeli
ACM 514 Data Mining and Knowledge Acquisition Seçmeli
ACM 524 Digital Marketing and Sales Seçmeli
ACM 525 E-CRM / Social Media Marketing Seçmeli
ACM 527 Admin Panel Management / SEO Seçmeli
ACM 528 Mobile Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
ACM 529 Siber Security / Digital Forensics Seçmeli
ACM 531 Web Content Management Seçmeli
ACM 532 Game Industry and Digital Entertainment Seçmeli
AFCA 101 Chinese Language I Seçmeli
AFCA 102 Chinese Language II Seçmeli
AFCA 201 Chinese Language III Seçmeli
AFCA 202 Chinese Language IV Seçmeli
AFCA 301 Chinese Language V Seçmeli
AFCA 302 Chinese Language VI Seçmeli
AFCA 401 Chinese Language VII Seçmeli
AFE 121 Advanced English I Seçmeli
AFE 122 Advanced English II Seçmeli
AFE 131 Academic English I Seçmeli
AFE 132 Academic English II Seçmeli
AFE 141 General English I Seçmeli
AFE 142 General English II Seçmeli
AFE 143 General English III Seçmeli
AFE 144 General English IV Seçmeli
AFEA 111 English Conversation Course I Seçmeli
AFEA 112 English Speaking Course II Seçmeli
AFFA 101 French Language I Seçmeli
AFFA 102 French Language II Seçmeli
AFFA 201 French Language III Seçmeli
AFFA 202 French Language IV Seçmeli
AFFA 301 French Language V Seçmeli
AFFA 302 French Language VI Seçmeli
AFFA 401 French Language VII Seçmeli
AFFA 402 French Language VIII Seçmeli
AFGA 101 German Language I Seçmeli
AFGA 102 German Language II Seçmeli
AFGA 201 German Language III Seçmeli
AFGA 202 German Language IV Seçmeli
AFGA 301 German Language V Seçmeli
AFGA 302 German Language VI Seçmeli
AFGA 401 German Language VII Seçmeli
AFGA 402 German Language VIII Seçmeli
AFRA 101 Russian Language I Seçmeli
AFRA 102 Russian Language II Seçmeli
AFRA 201 Russian Language III Seçmeli
AFRA 202 Russian Language IV Seçmeli
AFRA 301 Russian Language V Seçmeli
AFRA 302 Russian Language VI Seçmeli
AFRA 401 Russian Language VII Seçmeli
AFRA 402 Russian Language VIII Seçmeli
AFSA 101 Spanish Language I Seçmeli
AFSA 102 Spanish Language II Seçmeli
AFSA 201 Spanish Language III Seçmeli
AFSA 202 Spanish Language IV Seçmeli
AFSA 301 Spanish Language V Seçmeli
AFSA 302 Spanish Language VI Seçmeli
AFSA 401 Spanish Language VII Seçmeli
AFSA 402 Spanish Language VIII Seçmeli
AFYA 101 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners I Seçmeli
AFYA 102 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners II Seçmeli
AFYA 201 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners III Seçmeli
AFYA 202 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners IV Seçmeli
ANT 502 Culture, Language and Meaning Seçmeli
ANT 513 Ritual and Religion Seçmeli
ANT 536 Sensory Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 559 Forensic Antropology Seçmeli
ANT 575 Archeology and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 636 Senses and Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 675 Ethnoarchaeology Seçmeli
ARCH 512 Advanced Analysis of History & Theory of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 513 Philosophies and Trends in Modern Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 514 Architectural Representation Seçmeli
ARCH 516 Design for Special Needs Seçmeli
ARCH 517 Transformation in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 518 Conversions of Existing Buildings Seçmeli
ARCH 521 Discrimination in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 541 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
ARCH 542 Post-Modern City in the Global Era Seçmeli
ARCH 543 Advanced Urban Design – Concepts & Analysis Seçmeli
ARCH 553 The Computer Integrated Building Process Seçmeli
ARCH 561 Building Performance Management Seçmeli
ARCH 562 Disaster and Shelter Research & Design Seçmeli
ARCH 566 Advanced Concepts in Structural Design Seçmeli
ARCH 573 Sustainability and Ecology Seçmeli
ARCH 591 Architectural Conservation Concepts Seçmeli
ARCH 593 Vernacular Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 594 Ottoman Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 632 Advanced Research In Architectural Education Seçmeli
ATD 501 Management, Organization and Change Seçmeli
ATD 502 Strategic Management in Contemporary Organizations Seçmeli
ATD 511 Web Innovation and Knowledge Management Seçmeli
ATD 513 Current Topics in Workplace Behaviour Seçmeli
ATD 514 Decision Theory Seçmeli
ATD 515 Human Capital Strategies Seçmeli
BTSM 521 Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web Applications in Education Seçmeli
BTSM 538 Instructional Design Seçmeli
CE 523 Numerical Methods Seçmeli
CE 524 Finite Element Method Seçmeli
CE 540 Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete Seçmeli
CE 541 Advanced Materials of Construction Seçmeli
CE 542 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Seçmeli
CE 543 Admixtures for Concrete Seçmeli
CE 544 Natural Building Materials Seçmeli
CE 545 Mechanical Properties and Deformation of Concrete Seçmeli
CE 560 Construction Process Planning and Management Seçmeli
CE 561 Scientific Writing Seçmeli
CE 562 Advanced Project Planning Seçmeli
CE 563 Quality Control and Quality Management in Constructions Seçmeli
CE 564 Sustainability Management and Legal Framework Seçmeli
CE 565 Sustainable Cities Seçmeli
CE 571 Wind Energy Seçmeli
CE 580 Special Topics in Civil Engineering Seçmeli
CHED 101 Creativity in Higher Education Seçmeli
CLPH 622 Pharmacotherapy II Seçmeli
CLT 540 Seminar Seçmeli
COGS 501 Cognitive Science Seçmeli
COGS 505 Language and Mind Seçmeli
COGS 507 Cognıtıve Neuroscıence Seçmeli
COGS 508 Functıonal Magnetıc Resonance Imagıng Seçmeli
COGS 511 Phılosophy Of Mınd Seçmeli
COGS 513 Cognition Seçmeli
COGS 598 Seminar Seçmeli
CSE 548 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CSE 557 Quantum Computing Seçmeli
CSE 673 Advanced Topics in Mobile Systems and IoT Seçmeli
CSE 689 Advanced Topics in Human Computer Interaction Seçmeli
DATS 501 Fundamentals of Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 502 Research Methods in Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 511 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis Seçmeli
DPRO 501 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-I Seçmeli
DPRO 504 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-IV Seçmeli
DPRO 511 Removable Dentures-I Seçmeli
DPRO 512 Removable Dentures-II Seçmeli
DPRO 521 Fıxed Denture-I Seçmeli
DPRO 522 Fıxed Denture-II Seçmeli
DPRO 531 Case Dıscussıon- I Seçmeli
DPRO 532 Case Dıscussıon- II Seçmeli
DPRO 541 Lıterature Review-I Seçmeli
DPRO 542 Lıterature Review-II Seçmeli
DPRO 601 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -I Seçmeli
DPRO 602 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -II Seçmeli
DPRO 603 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -III Seçmeli
DPRO 604 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -IV Seçmeli
DPRO 611 Advenced Removable Dentures-I Seçmeli
DPRO 612 Advenced Removable Dentures-II Seçmeli
DPRO 621 Advenced Fıxed Denture-I Seçmeli
DPRO 622 Advenced Fıxed Denture-II Seçmeli
DPRO 631 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -I Seçmeli
DPRO 632 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -II Seçmeli
DPRO 633 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -III Seçmeli
DPRO 641 Advenced Lıterature Review-I Seçmeli
DPRO 642 Advenced Lıterature Review-II Seçmeli
DPRO 660 Advenced Occlusıon Seçmeli
DPRO 665 Advanced Functıonal Occlusıon and TMD Seçmeli
ECON 364 Health Economics Seçmeli
ECON 370 Cinema and Economics Seçmeli
ECON 371 Reading the World and Turkish Economy Seçmeli
ECON 412 Industrial Organization Seçmeli
ECON 461 Economics of Strategy Seçmeli
ECON 463 Critique of Orthodox Economics Seçmeli
EDEM 480 Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice Seçmeli
EE 508 Random Process and Noise Seçmeli
EE 509 System Theory Seçmeli
EE 511 Advanced Logic Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 513 Artifical Neural Networks Seçmeli
EE 514 Advanced Embedded System Design Seçmeli
EE 515 Sensors Seçmeli
EE 517 Glow Discharge Processing Seçmeli
EE 518 Sensitivity and Tolerance Analysis Seçmeli
EE 519 Active Network Synthesis Seçmeli
EE 521 Fourier Optics Seçmeli
EE 522 Advanced Antenna Theory Seçmeli
EE 523 Smart Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Systems Seçmeli
EE 526 Biomedical Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 527 Microwave Circuit and Systems Seçmeli
EE 528 Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic Problems Seçmeli
EE 529 Analytical Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory Seçmeli
EE 532 Digital IC (Integrated Circuit) Design Seçmeli
EE 533 RF Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 535 MOS Device Physics and Technology Seçmeli
EE 536 Advanced VLSI System Design Seçmeli
EE 537 Advanced Mixed-Signal IC Design Seçmeli
EE 538 Noise in Electronic Devices and Systems Seçmeli
EE 539 Analog Integrated Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 542 Quantum Electronics Seçmeli
EE 543 Solid State Electronic Devices Seçmeli
EE 544 Microelectronic Fabrication Seçmeli
EE 545 Semiconductor Processing Technologies Seçmeli
EE 555 Physical Layer Principles of Wireless Communications Seçmeli
EE 558 Digital Communication Theory Seçmeli
EE 559 Information Theory Seçmeli
EE 562 Advanced Image Processing Seçmeli
EE 563 Detection and Estimation Theory Seçmeli
EE 564 Multiresolution Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 565 Digital Speech Processing Seçmeli
EE 566 Pattern Recognition Seçmeli
EE 568 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 569 Advanced Deep Learning for Computer Vision Seçmeli
EE 571 Power System Operation and Control Seçmeli
EE 573 Flexible Control of Distribution Systems Seçmeli
EE 574 Advanced Power Electronics Seçmeli
EE 578 Dynamics of Electrical Machines Seçmeli
EE 581 Design of Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 583 Fuzzy Logic Modeling and Control Seçmeli
EE 584 Advanced Robotic Sytems Seçmeli
EE 585 Control of Robotic Systems Seçmeli
EE 586 Advanced Digital Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 618 Sensitivity and Tolerance Analysis Seçmeli
EE 619 Advanced Methods in Logic Circuits Seçmeli
EE 621 Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Systems Seçmeli
EE 622 Electromagnetic Compability Seçmeli
EE 624 Numerical Methods in Electrical Engineering Seçmeli
EE 628 Computational Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 641 RF Microelectronics Seçmeli
EE 649 Special Topics in Electronics Seçmeli
EE 659 Special Topics in Communication Systems Seçmeli
EE 661 Medical Image Processing Seçmeli
EE 662 Computer Vision Seçmeli
EE 664 Random Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 669 Advanced Methods for Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 678 Special Topics in Electric Power and Energy Systems Seçmeli
EE 689 Advanced Topics on Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 695 Selected Topics in Radio Frequency Systems I Seçmeli
EE 696 Special Topics in RF Systems Seçmeli
EEP 515 Innovative Approaches to Instruction Seçmeli
ELIT 634 Migration and Exile Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 635 Comparative Mythology Seçmeli
ELIT 638 Irish Drama Seçmeli
ELIT 639 Selected Topics in Postcolonial Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 640 Selected Topics in Psychoanalytical Critical Theory Seçmeli
ELIT 645 Literature and Social Sciences/Arts Seçmeli
ELIT 646 From Literature to Cinema Seçmeli
ELIT 647 Ideology and Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 656 Philosophy and Literature Seçmeli
EUI 508 European Union and Inernational Crisis Seçmeli
EUI 541 Public Opinion in European Union Seçmeli
EUI 551 Methods and Strategies for Smart Cities Seçmeli
EUI 552 Political Parties, Electoral Systems and Election Campaigns Seçmeli
FE 500 Fundamentals of Finance Seçmeli
FE 501 Financial Calculus Seçmeli
FE 502 Financial Econometrics Seçmeli
FE 503 Optimization Models in Economics and Finance Seçmeli
FE 504 Derivative Securities and Markets Seçmeli
FE 505 Investment Analysis And Portfolio Theory Seçmeli
FE 506 Finansta Stokastik Modelleme Seçmeli
FE 507 Prıncıples Of Fınancıal Engıneerıng Seçmeli
FE 510 Computatıonal Fınance Seçmeli
FE 511 Fınancıal Rısk Analysıs And Management Seçmeli
FE 512 Analysis of Financial Time Series Seçmeli
FE 514 Finansta Belirsizlik Ve Enformasyon Seçmeli
FE 515 Asset Pricing Seçmeli
FE 516 Behavioral Finance Seçmeli
FE 531 Global Financial Systems and Crisis Seçmeli
FE 532 Research In International Finance Seçmeli
FE 533 Economıcs And Fınancıal Systems Of Emergıng Markets Seçmeli
FE 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
FE 598 Seminar in Financial Economics Seçmeli
FE 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
FE 600 Special Topics in Financial Econometrics Seçmeli
FE 605 Advanced Investment Analysis and Portfolio Theory Seçmeli
FE 616 Advanced Behavioral Finance Seçmeli
FE 623 Levy Processes In Fınance Seçmeli
FE 624 Multıvarıate Fınancıal Tıme Srıes Analysıs Seçmeli
FE 625 Neural Networks In Fınance Seçmeli
FE 626 Econophysıcs Seçmeli
FE 627 Advanced Rısk Modellıng In Fınancıal Markets Seçmeli
FE 631 Advanced Macroeconomics and Finance Seçmeli
FE 632 Advanced Mıcroeconomıcs Seçmeli
FE 633 Empırıcal Topıcs In Economıcs And Fınance Seçmeli
FE 634 Financial Decision Making Techniques Seçmeli
FE 635 Advanced Research Methods and Ethic Seçmeli
FE 698 Seminar Seçmeli
FE 699 Thesis Seçmeli
FZY 601 Cellular and Molecular Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 602 Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 603 Advanced Blood Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 604 Advanced Respiratory System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 605 Advanced Nervous System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 606 Advanced Endocrine System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 607 Advanced Gastro-Intestinal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 608 Advanced Renal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 609 Immune System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 610 Advanced Reproductive System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 611 Musculo-Skeletal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 612 Sports and Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 613 Advanced Research Methods and Models Seçmeli
FZY 614 Cardiac Arrhythmias and Electrocardiographic Analysis Seçmeli
GRA 607 Experimental Illustration Studio Seçmeli
GRA 610 Communication Through Graphic Animation Seçmeli
GRA 613 New Approaches in Typography and Language Seçmeli
HIST 611 Sources of Ottoman Political History of the Early Modern Period Seçmeli
HIST 614 History of the Republic from 1923 to 1990 Seçmeli
HIST 615 Social History of National Struggle Seçmeli
HIST 616 Social Structure from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic Seçmeli
HIST 621 Turkish History of Central Asia I Seçmeli
HIST 625 The Turkish Period from 1908 to 1923 Seçmeli
HIST 627 The History of XIX. Century Ottoman Diplomacy Seçmeli
HIST 629 The Turkish Woman in the Reform Process Seçmeli
HRM 503 Compensation, Performance and Planning in Human Resources Seçmeli
IMC 511 Integrated Marketing Communication Seçmeli
IMC 512 Media Planning and Procurement Seçmeli
IMC 513 Brand Management and Corporate Communications Seçmeli
IMC 522 Creative Marketing Communication Strategies Seçmeli
IMC 532 Communication Skills and Persuasive Communication Seçmeli
IMC 563 Digital Marketing Communications Seçmeli
IMC 566 Competitive Strategies Seçmeli
IND 502 User Experience Design Seçmeli
ISG 508 Occupational Psychology and Teaching Skills in Occupational Health and Safety Seçmeli
JRN 351 Investigative Journalism Seçmeli
LAUD 508 Ecological Sustainability and Restoration Seçmeli
LAUD 510 Recreation Areas Planning Seçmeli
LAUD 517 Planting Critics in Landscape Practice Seçmeli
LAUD 523 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
MATH 411 Geometries Seçmeli
MATH 413 Classical Lie Groups And Lie Algebras Seçmeli
MATH 416 Readings In Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 422 Galois Theory Seçmeli
MATH 423 Introduction to Representatıon Theory Seçmeli
MATH 425 Readings In Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 441 Readings In Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 453 Readings In Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 454 Calculus of Variations Seçmeli
MATH 491 Senior Project and Seminar Seçmeli
MATH 510 Concepts Of Geometry For Mathematics Teachers Seçmeli
MATH 511 Differential Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 512 Riemannian Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 513 Topics in Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 521 Algebra I Seçmeli
MATH 522 Algebra II Seçmeli
MATH 523 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Seçmeli
MATH 525 Algebraic Number Theory I Seçmeli
MATH 526 Algebraic Number Theory II Seçmeli
MATH 527 Introduction To The Theory Of Schemes I Seçmeli
MATH 528 Theory Of Schemes II Seçmeli
MATH 529 Topics In Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 530 Advanced Linear Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 531 Topology Seçmeli
MATH 532 Algebraic Topology Seçmeli
MATH 537 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Seçmeli
MATH 541 Ordinary Differential Equation Seçmeli
MATH 542 Partial Differential Equations I Seçmeli
MATH 543 Bondary-Value Problems and Special Functions Seçmeli
MATH 544 Topics in Applied Mathematics Seçmeli
MATH 547 Probability Theory Seçmeli
MATH 548 Theory of Statistics Seçmeli
MATH 551 Functional Analysis I Seçmeli
MATH 552 Functional Analysis II Seçmeli
MATH 553 Complex Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 554 Approximation Theory Seçmeli
MATH 555 Measure And Integration Theory Seçmeli
MATH 556 Topics In Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 580 Methods In Mathematical Reasoning Seçmeli
MATH 611 Introduction To Symplectic Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 612 Geometry of Diffeomorphism groups Seçmeli
MATH 613 Geometry of Manifolds of Maps Seçmeli
MATH 615 Introduction to Geometric Mechanics Seçmeli
MATH 628 Langlands Functoryalıty Principle I Seçmeli
MATH 629 Langlands Functoryalıty Principle II Seçmeli
MATH 630 Introduction to Arthur Trace Formula Seçmeli
MATH 641 Exterior Differantial Forms I Seçmeli
MATH 642 Exterior Differantial Forms II Seçmeli
MATH 643 Partial Differential Equations II Seçmeli
MATH 644 Geometric Theory of Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 645 Sobolav Spaces and Elliptic Operators Seçmeli
MATH 647 Boundary Value Problems for Complex Partial Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 652 Nonlinear Field Theories of Continious Media - II Seçmeli
MATH 661 Discontinuities in The Electromagnetic Fields Seçmeli
MBA 502 Modern Management Perspectives Seçmeli
MBA 507 Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
MBA 510 Financial Reporting Seçmeli
MBA 520 Financial Management Seçmeli
MBA 521 Corporate Finance Seçmeli
MBA 530 Marketing Management Seçmeli
MBA 531 Digital Marketing Seçmeli
MCM 502 Media Analysis Seçmeli
MCM 504 Case Studies in Communication Seçmeli
MCM 506 Communication Theories and Research Seçmeli
MCM 508 Communication Anthropology Seçmeli
MCM 509 New Media and Culture Seçmeli
MCM 512 Media and Collective Memory Seçmeli
MCM 513 Political Communication Campaigns Seçmeli
ME 512 Energy Policies and Laws Seçmeli
MOL 101 Introduction to Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 102 Advanced Medical Biology Seçmeli
MOL 103 Analytical Methods in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 104 Basic Concepts in Biochemistry Seçmeli
MOL 105 Research in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 106 Molecular Mechanism of Nutrition (Nutrigenomics) Seçmeli
MOL 107 Advanced Biochemistry Seçmeli
MOL 108 Laboratory Animal and Their Application in Research Seçmeli
MOL 109 Molecular Approach to Disease and Individual Treatment Seçmeli
MOL 110 Introduction to Bioinformatics and System Biology Seçmeli
MOL 111 Cell Culture Seçmeli
MOL 112 Molecular Medical Microbiology and Virology Seçmeli
MOL 113 Microarray Technology and Data Analysis Seçmeli
MOL 114 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
MOL 115 From Research to Publication Seçmeli
MOL 116 Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Seçmeli
MOL 117 Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense and DNA Repair Mechanisms Seçmeli
MOL 118 Productivity and Creativity in Science Seçmeli
MOL 119 Placement in Molecular Medicine Laboratory Seçmeli
MOL 201 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules in Biological Systems Seçmeli
MOL 202 Cell Structure and Function Seçmeli
MOL 203 Research and Analysis Methods in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 204 Molecular Medicine-A: Molecular Mechanisms in Diagnosis and Treatment approaches Seçmeli
MOL 205 Molecular Medicine-B: Molecular Mechanisms in Diagnostics and Treatment Seçmeli
MOL 206 Molecular Approach to Human Malformation Seçmeli
MOL 207 Structure and Function of Genes Seçmeli
MOL 210 Research Ethics Seçmeli
MOL 211 Biobanks Seçmeli
MOL 215 Molecular Embryology and Histology Seçmeli
MOL 216 Protein Analysis and Evaluation Seçmeli
MOL 218 Vascular Biology Seçmeli
MOL 220 Biological membrane structure and function Seçmeli
MOL 221 Neurobiology Seçmeli
MOL 222 Proteomics Seçmeli
MOL 223 Nervous System Disorders Seçmeli
MOL 225 Infection and Pathogenesis Seçmeli
MOL 226 Molecular Mechanism of Toxicology Seçmeli
MOL 227 Standardization and Quality Control in Medical Laboratories Seçmeli
PHIL 128 Critical Thinking Seçmeli
PHIL 341 Ethics in Health Sciences Seçmeli
POLS 515 Theories of International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 517 History Of International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 518 Introduction To Political Science Seçmeli
POLS 520 Globalization and Regionalization İn World Politics Seçmeli
POLS 521 European Union and Turkey Seçmeli
POLS 522 Comparative Politics Seçmeli
POLS 524 Global Politics in Post-Cold War Era Seçmeli
POLS 525 International Organizations Seçmeli
POLS 526 Current Issues in World Politics Seçmeli
POLS 528 Processes of Identity Formation Seçmeli
POLS 529 Modern Geopolitics and Security Strategies Seçmeli
POLS 530 International Law and Organizations Seçmeli
POLS 531 Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
POLS 532 Turkish Political Life Seçmeli
POLS 534 International Politics Seçmeli
POLS 536 Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
POLS 548 European Values and Democratic Participation Seçmeli
POLS 552 Hıstory Of Polıtıcal Thought Seçmeli
POLS 555 Introduction to International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 556 Political Modernization in Turkey Seçmeli
POLS 557 History of the Modern Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 558 Current Issues of Politics in the Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 559 Theory, Identity and Beliefs in the Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 562 American Foreign Policy in the Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 597 Graduatıon Project Seçmeli
POLS 612 Seminar on Political Theory Seçmeli
POLS 613 Seminar in Turkish Politics Seçmeli
POLS 614 Seminar on Foreign Policy Analysis Seçmeli
POLS 615 Seminar in Comparative Politics Seçmeli
POLS 616 Theories of International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 617 Seminar on Political History Seçmeli
POLS 618 Seminar on International Law Seçmeli
POLS 619 Seminar on Political Sociology Seçmeli
POLS 620 Seminar on International Politics Seçmeli
POLS 627 Issues of Identity in a Global World Seçmeli
POLS 635 Seminar on Social Structure and Religion in Turkey Seçmeli
POLS 637 Current Issues in World Politics Seçmeli
POLS 638 International Security in a Changing World Seçmeli
POLS 640 Modernization Theory and IR Seçmeli
POLS 647 Seminar on Political Parties and Elections Seçmeli
POLS 652 War and Peace in Modern Societies Seçmeli
POLS 653 Seminar on Politics and Society in India Seçmeli
POLS 655 Seminar on Turkish Political Thought Seçmeli
POLS 656 Seminar on Democracy: Theory and Practice Seçmeli
POLS 662 Seminar on US Foreign Policy Seçmeli
PTR 618 Medicinal Plants Cultivation Seçmeli
SBE 708 Advanced Biostatistics Seçmeli
SOC 501 Classical Theories in Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 502 Modern Theories in Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 503 Qualitative Methods for Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 504 Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 505 Political Ecology Seçmeli
SOC 506 Historical Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 507 Sociology of Everyday Life Seçmeli
SOC 508 Semiological Approaches In Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 509 Economic Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 511 Art, Aesthetics and Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 513 Political Dimensions of Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 514 Sociology of Health and İllness Seçmeli
SOC 515 Critical Readings in Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 516 City, Identity and Space from Modernism to Postmodernism Seçmeli
SPOL 521 Problèmes Internatıonaux Contemporaınes Seçmeli
SPOL 524 Migration Internationale Et La Question Des Réfugiées Seçmeli
SPOL 541 Techniques de Recherche en Sciences Sociales et Ethique de Publication Seçmeli
SPOL 543 International Political Sociology Seçmeli
SPOL 592 Géopolitique Seçmeli
SYN 502 Health Care Economics Seçmeli
SYN 503 Human Resource Management in Health Care Organizations Seçmeli
SYN 504 HCM 504 Pharmacoeconomics Seçmeli
SYN 505 Ethics and Patient Rights Seçmeli
SYN 506 Contemporary Management and Organizationin in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 508 Organizational Behavior in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 519 Business Statistics Seçmeli
SYN 521 Health Care Insurance Management Seçmeli
SYN 522 Cost Management in Health Care Systems Seçmeli
SYN 531 Marketing in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 532 The Patient-Provider Relationship Management Seçmeli
SYN 541 International Health Care Systems and Policy Management Seçmeli
SYN 543 Health Care Technology and Information Systems Management Seçmeli
SYN 544 Public Health Care Systems and Policies Seçmeli
SYN 545 Supply Chain Management in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 546 Quality Control and Accreditation in Health Care Seçmeli
THTR 310 Creative Drama Seçmeli
THTR 375 Acting for Camera Seçmeli
TL 511 Management and Strategy Seçmeli
TL 512 New Trends in International Trade Seçmeli
TL 513 Supply Chain Management and Logistics Seçmeli
TL 515 International Economics and World Trade Seçmeli
TL 518 Logistics Planning and Modelling Techniques Seçmeli
TL 519 Operations Management Seçmeli
TL 521 Import Export Management Seçmeli
TL 522 Purchasing and Inventory Management Seçmeli
TL 523 Integrated Transportation Management Seçmeli
TL 529 Maritime Logistics Seçmeli
TL 533 International Trade Regulations Seçmeli
TL 534 Global Business Development Seçmeli
TL 571 Airline Management Seçmeli
TL 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
TL 598 Seminar Seçmeli
TL 599 Thesis Seçmeli
TL 611 Designing and Managing Supply Chain Seçmeli
TL 613 Advanced Research Methods Seçmeli
TL 614 Quantitative Decision Making Seçmeli
TL 615 Economic Geography Seçmeli
TL 616 Global Economies and Marketing Seçmeli
TL 617 Advanced Operations Management Seçmeli
TL 618 Transportation Planning Seçmeli
TL 623 Topics in International Trade Seçmeli
TL 625 Transportation Economics Seçmeli
TL 688 Seminar Seçmeli
TL 690 Thesis Seçmeli
TLL 120 History of Turkish Culture Seçmeli
TLP 602 Mystic Literature Seçmeli
TLP 603 Literature- Space- Identity Seçmeli
TLP 606 Mythology In Literature Seçmeli
TLP 607 Modern Story In Turkish And World Literature Seçmeli
TLP 608 Fantastic Literature Seçmeli
TLP 610 Psychoanalysis And Literature Seçmeli
TLP 611 Poetry: Poetics And Genre Seçmeli
TLP 612 Pioneers Of Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLP 614 Gender Studies And Literature Seçmeli
TLP 615 Folklore and Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLP 616 Language, Linguistics and Literature Seçmeli
TLP 617 Literatures of Old and Middle Turkish Periods Seçmeli
TLP 619 Special Topics in Literature Seçmeli
TOK 101 Theory of Knowledge Seçmeli
Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ATA 512 Ataturk's Renaissance Seçmeli
ATA 542 Turkish Foreign Policy in Republic of Turkey Seçmeli
ATA 572 Ottoman II Seçmeli
BTSM 502 Social Network Analysis and Data Mining Seçmeli
JRN 321 Social Media and Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 356 Online Content Management Seçmeli
MATH 440 Introduction to Graph Theory Seçmeli
PHIL 112 Logic I Seçmeli
PHIL 122 Ancient Philosophy II Seçmeli
PHIL 152 Ethics Seçmeli
PHIL 218 Classical Greek And Latin Text Analyses II Seçmeli
PHIL 222 Philosophy in the 17th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 232 Epistemology Seçmeli
PHIL 312 Aesthetics Seçmeli
PHIL 322 Philosophy in the 19th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 422 Contemporary Philosophy II Seçmeli
PHIL 452 Philosophy of Law and Human Rights Seçmeli
PHYS 409 Medical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 412 Condensed Matter Physics Seçmeli

Ders Yılı: 2

Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
AI 401 Artificial Intelligence for Interdisciplinary Studies Seçmeli
ATA 521 Research Techniques Seçmeli
ATA 531 Turkish Modernization History Seçmeli
ATA 541 History of National Struggle War Seçmeli
ATA 571 Ottoman I Seçmeli
COD 101 Coding Seçmeli
EUI 510 European Union Politics and Policies Seçmeli
EYD 575 Devolopment and Implementation of Educational Programs Seçmeli
INDD 251 Creativity Techniques Seçmeli
INDD 391 Cultural Approaches In Design Seçmeli
INDD 491 Trend Analysis & Brand Seçmeli
JRN 101 Basic Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 151 News Gathering and Writing Techniques Seçmeli
JRN 271 Layout Graphic Design for Journalism Seçmeli
MATH 439 Metric and Topological Spaces Seçmeli
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 121 Ancient Philosophy I Seçmeli
PHIL 213 Logic II Seçmeli
PHIL 217 Classsical Greek And Latin Text Analyses I Seçmeli
PHIL 221 Philosophy in The Middle Ages and Renaissance Seçmeli
PHIL 241 Ontology Seçmeli
PHIL 321 Philosophy in the 18th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 327 Philosophy in the Islamic World I Seçmeli
PHIL 329 Philosophical Developments in Turkey Seçmeli
PHIL 421 Contemporary Philosophy I Seçmeli
PHIL 451 Politıcal Philosophy Seçmeli
PHYS 401 Metrology and Calibration Laboratory Seçmeli
PHYS 402 ISO Standards&Accreditation Seçmeli