1. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
DORT 601 | Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning | Core |
DORT 603 | Advanced edgewise I | Core |
DORT 607 | Case discussion I | Core |
DORT 681 | Literature Review I | Core |
DORT 691 | Seminars I | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Free - 1 | Compulsory |
2. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
DORT 602 | Orthodontic treatment approaches and techniques | Core |
DORT 604 | Advanced edgewise II | Core |
DORT 608 | Case discussion II | Core |
DORT 682 | Literature Review II | Core |
DORT 692 | Seminars II | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 3 | Compulsory |
3. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
DORT 605 | Congenital Anomalies and Treatment Approach | Core |
DORT 609 | Case discussion III | Core |
DORT 683 | Literature Review III | Core |
DORT 693 | Seminars III | Core |
SBE 708 | Advanced Biostatistics | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 4 | Compulsory |
4. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
DORT 606 | Adult orthodontics | Core |
DORT 610 | Case discussion IV | Core |
DORT 684 | Literature Review IV | Core |
DORT 694 | Seminars IV | Core |
SBE 706 | Scıentıfıc Research and Publıcatıon Methods | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 5 | Compulsory |
5. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
DORT 699 | PhD Thesis in Orthodontics | Core |