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Master's Program in Nursing Courses

1. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
NUR 505 Basic Communication and Teaching Methods Core
NUR 506 Health policies Core
NUR 508 Seminar I Core
NUR 518 Conseptual Framework of Nursing Core
NUR 524 Pathophysiology I Core
SBE 706 Scıentıfıc Research and Publıcatıon Methods Core
- Elective - Free - 1 Compulsory

2. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
NUR 502 Identification and Classification Systems in Nursing Core
NUR 509 Seminar II Core
NUR 525 Pathophysiology II Core
SBE 707 Basic Biostatistics Core
- Elective - Area - 1 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Area - 2 Compulsory

3. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
NUR 533 Disertation Study Core