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Doctoral Program in Prosthetic Dentistry

Program Type: PhD
Language: English

History: Prosthodontics PHD programme has been founded in 20.10.2003 and gave its first PhD degree in 06.06.2005.

Aim: The aim of the Ph D program of  the Department of  Prosthodontics is to bring-up qualified dentists educated with contemporary and international resources who have the skills and abilities to prepare the most suitable prosthodontic treatment plan for hard and soft tissue losses, who possess advanced prostodontic treatmet knowledge and who continuously update themselves by following contemporary developments in the field.  The students who receive a PhD education in the field of Prosthodontics are expected to possess the necessary clinical and scientific foundation to provide a superior healthcare to the community and to plan and conduct original scientific research.

Objective: The primary objective of the PhD program of the Department of Prostodontics is to bring up dental specialists who are able to successfully make a good diagnosis and prosthodontic treatment planning using international standards, who are committed to continuous self-development and who follow contemporary developments.

Qualification Awarded: The PhD Degree in Prosthodontics  is awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum.