Bilim Günü
Tarih: 25 Haziran Cuma
Saat: 15.00-17.00
Katılım Linki:
15.00 - 15.15 Açılış ve Bilgilendirme
15.15 - 15.30 Yeditepe Üniversitesi Etik Kurulları
Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu (KAEK)
Girişimsel Olmayan Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu (GOETİK)
Hayvan Deneyleri Yerel Etik Kurulu (HADYEK)
15.30 - 16.30 Lisansüstü Öğrencilerin Bildiri Sunumları
- Presenter: Sinem Helvacıoğlu (Pharmaceutical Toxicology PhD Student)
Title: “Safety Evaluation of Styrax Liquidus from the Viewpoint of Genotoxicity and Mutagenicity"
- Presenter: Parla Işıl Yüksel (Pharmacognosy PhD Student)
Title: “Importance of Chromatographic and Spectrophotometric Methods in Determining the Authenticity, Classification and Bioactivity of Honey”
- Presenter: Tuğçe Özyazıcı (Pharmaceutical Chemistry PhD Student)
Title: “Synthesis and Biological Activity Studies of New 1,3,4-oxadiazole Derivatives.”
- Presenter: Dr. İzim Türker (Graduate of Prosthetic Dentistry PhD Program)
Title: “Wear Evaluation of CAD-CAM Prosthetic Materials by Simulating High Chewing Forces”
- Presenter: Dr. Mohamed Hshad (Graduate of Endodontics PhD Program)
Title: "Outcome of Endodontically Treated Teeth"
- Presenter: Dr. Merve Altay Burgaz (Graduate of Orthodontics PhD Program)
Title: “Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Alveolar Changes İnduced by Nasoalveolar Molding in İnfants with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate: A case-control study”
- Presenter: Dr. Sami Ağuş (Graduate of Physiology PhD Program)
Title: “Effects of Chronic High Fat Diet on Electrophysiological and Morphological Properties of POMC neurons in the Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus”
- Presenter: Dr. Zerrin Barut (Graduate of Molecular Medicine PhD Program)
Title: Investigation of Circulating miRNA-133, miRNA-26, and miRNA-378 as Candidate Biomarkers for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy”
- Presenter: Ecem Yıldırım (Histology & Embriology PhD Student)
Title: “Determination of c-Abl Tyrosine Kinase and mTERT Catalytic Subunit of Telomerase Expression Level During Prenatal-Postnatal Mouse Ovary-Testis Development”
- Presenter: Elif Tuğçe Çil (Graduate of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation MSc Program)
Title: “Effectiveness of Exercises, Myofascial Releasing and Mobilization Techniques in Plantar Fasciitis”
- Presenter: Ceren Zeren (Nursing MSc Student)
Title: “Investigation of the Effect of Education Given by Therapeutic Play Method on Psychosocial Symptoms of 6-12 Year Old Children with Bone Marrow Transplantation”
16.30 - 16.45 Lisansüstü Öğrencilerin Bilimsel Makalelerinin yansıtılması
16.45 - 17.00 Açık Akademik Arşiv ve "Pre-Print"