1. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
FAR 701 | Mechanisms of action of Drug | Core |
FAR 702 | Pharmacokinetic | Core |
FAR 703 | Functional Anatomy, Pharmacology of the Cell and Signalling Delivery Mechanisms | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 1 | Compulsory |
2. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
FAR 704 | Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Neurotransmitters | Core |
FAR 705 | Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Autocoids | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Area - 3 | Compulsory |
3. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
FAR 706 | Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Hormones | Core |
FAR 709 | Advanced Technics in Literature Searching and Evaluation-I | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Area - 5 | Compulsory |
4. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
FAR 707 | Advanced Experimental Pharmacology I | Core |
FAR 723 | Seminar | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 6 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Area - 7 | Compulsory |
5. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
FAR 700 | Thesis- Special Topics | Core |