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Doctoral Program in Pharmacology Courses

1. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FAR 701 Mechanisms of action of Drug Core
FAR 702 Pharmacokinetic Core
FAR 703 Functional Anatomy, Pharmacology of the Cell and Signalling Delivery Mechanisms Core
- Elective - Area - 1 Compulsory

2. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FAR 704 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Neurotransmitters Core
FAR 705 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Autocoids Core
- Elective - Area - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Area - 3 Compulsory

3. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FAR 706 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Hormones Core
FAR 709 Advanced Technics in Literature Searching and Evaluation-I Core
- Elective - Area - 4 Compulsory
- Elective - Area - 5 Compulsory

4. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FAR 707 Advanced Experimental Pharmacology I Core
FAR 723 Seminar Core
- Elective - Area - 6 Compulsory
- Elective - Area - 7 Compulsory

5. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FAR 700 Thesis- Special Topics Core